Azure Data Factory. Field Notes. Part 1

Mayur Macwan
Mayur Macwan’s Blog
Aug 29, 2022


Not to include details, but some quick notes for future reference.

  • If you are using a web activity to retrieve token, and the api requires Content-Type to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded, that means the username and password and some other parameters need to be passed in as key value pairs. Which is not supported in the ADF UI out of the box.

It’s relatively easy to find out that it needs to be passed in as Body, but the usual JSON format wont work. Follow this instead.

  • When you need to retrieve values from some of the response headers, and the header name contains a special chat like a hyphen -, Dot ., or question ?

Your expression editor screen wont be happy if you chose a header in a usual way like

Instead try using the square bracket. e.g.



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